TV, video games, cashews, Angry Birds, peanut butter, and kittens. What do they all have in common? I'll let you ponder that for a minute. For now,I want to tell you about something that will blow your mind. It's not the newest car or the the newest phone or when Justin Beiber woke up this morning; it's a whole lot bigger than that. What is it? Alien invasion? Well... kinda. I'm talking (you guessed it) Christ. I'm talking His life, His death, His burial, and His Resurrection.
My name is Paul. I'm the author of Christaholic: The God Addiction and I'm here to tell you that Christ is alive and He lives in me. I am a Christaholic. A Christaholic is a person who is addicted to Christ. A Christaholic is constantly 3G.
Now, about the random list of items featured on the top of this post... what do they all have in common? If you're not allergic to nuts (or cats), they are all extremely addictive. Give me one of those and I'm gone (give me all of them and you you won't see me for another week). But, nevertheless, you are addicted to at least one of those. But are you addicted to Christ? Why is it that some of us cherish kittens more than we do our own Creator? That doesn't make much sense.
Bad addictions distract us from what is good. In the same way, Good addictions distract us from bad things. God is a very good addiction. TV isn't, Video games aren't either; nor Angry Birds. Kittens... not quite sure. But still, all those things distract us from an epic relationship with Christ. Yes, it'll be hard. But you'll be glad you did it when God tells you, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:21) What an awesome experience that will be!
James 1:21 tells us to turn from sin and to humbly receive the Word (Christ, John 1:14) implanted in us. Which means make war against sin and get with Christ, replacing your sin with His love. It's as simple as that. Your mission as a Christian is to be 3G and to be addicted to Him. God loves you enough to give His own Son to take our place on that Cross. Who are we to ignore that? How selfish! It's not about you. Sorry. It isn't all about me either. Why? Because it's all about God. He's the only One worthy for the title of "King". He isn't your co-pilot. He never was and He never will be. It's all about Him. So, keep being a 3G Christaholic, and remember, He's the only one worthy enough to live. Life is a gift from God and we better use it for Him or else we have wasted it and we have lived our life in vain. I want my life to matter and the only way that will happen is if I give it all to Christ. Thanks, Courtney, for inviting me! (2 Corinthians 13:14)
In Christ,