
Saturday, July 23, 2011


At the church that I'm currently going to, every Wednesday night they have a bible study. In my class, we're currently studying the book of Revelation. Personally, I think Revelation is one of the hardest books to understand in the Bible. I find it very confusing, but since we've started this study, it's become clearer.
 Some of us Christians may wonder, "Why study Revelation? By the time these things happen we'll be in Heaven!" Although this is true, we will be in Heaven by the time the tribulation comes, but let's take an imaginary trip, shall we?
 Say your in your front yard, and you see your best friend driving in their car towards a bridge that happens to be right up the road, and the bridge has been torn down because the city is going to be rebuilding it. Wouldn't you go and tell your friend to stop and turn around? I know I would.
Now let's think about this: Say that road is life, and that at the end of the bridge is hell. Wouldn't you like to stop your friend from going off of that road? That changes things dosen't it? Wouldn't you like to tell your friend about the detour that Christ has to offer? I would.
 It turns out, this isn't so imaginary. There are hundreds, thousands, even millions of people who don't know Christ. Most likely, a few of those are people are your friends. Why not tell someone about him? You wouldn't want them going off of that bridge would you?
Matthew 28:19