Weaknesses. Everyone has them, whether we like them or not. One of mine is vulnerability. Whenever I'm vulnerable, I feel weak and worthless, when in reality I'm strong and priceless. Now I'm not strong or priceless by myself. I've never been either of those without one very important key: Christ. Christ is my strength, and he proved my worth when he died on the cross for me. Only through him, am I alive and breathing as I type this to you. Only through his love, grace, and power I can have the mindset that I am not weak and worthless.
I am priceless because I have the most valuable gift in the universe. Now I know you might be thinking, ooh! I know what it is! It's the brand new electronic device, or the cure for cancer. (Which are is amazing, considering that one of them doesn't yet exist, and I have neither by the way.) I have something a whole lot better than that. I have the gift of eternal life. Christ gave me this gift, and I accepted it. It was that simple. I accepted his love and grace and allowed him to enter my body, heart, mind, soul.
For those of you who have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, read that ↑ from your point of view instead of mine. You are priceless. You have the most valuable gift in the universe. You have the gift of eternal life. You have the Holy Spirit living in you!
Now here's the amazing part: For those of you who haven't accepted Christ as your Savior, you can have it! There are no catches, no telephone numbers you have to call, or websites you need to go on to order this gift, and as long as you are alive, it's never too late. All you have to do is 3 things and there easy as ABC. First, Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 says that we all fall short of God's glorious standard. Next, you have to Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and died on the cross for your sins. (John 3:16) Finally you have to Confess your sins to Christ and ask for his forgiveness. Romans 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth and believe that Jesus is Lord, and believe that God raised him from the dead, the you will be saved. If you truly accept him, then CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! =D!!!!!!! I'm absolutely thrilled for you!!!!!!! You have accepted the gift of eternal life and have become priceless! You now have the spirit of God living in you!
Now go tell someone! Shout it from the mountain tops, rooftops, whatever! Show the world your new self! You have the Holy Spirit living inside you!!!!
Amen! I too struggle with the feeling of vulnerability. But as the Lord has been leading me, He has reassured me of the beauty that comes from being vulnerable in Him. We can never go wrong that way. Christ isn't out to hurt us or to bring us turmoil. Rejoice in the fact that our vulnerability to Christ and His Holy Spirit is the beginning of those vulnerable spots being filled with righteousness. Even as we build friendships with others, our trust in Christ will protect us from abuse of vulnerability to others. He will take uncertainty away and replace it with certainty and confidence. Be encouraged in the Lord!