
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ultimate Love

 Ok, so I'm gonna come right out and say it, Valentines day is probably one of my least favorite holidays. Why? Because it's (as my step Dad David would say) a "Hallmark Holiday." It's all filled with pretty much nothing but chocolate, candy, and those big, huge cards that say "I Love You" on it.
 Although saying "I love you" to someone is a great way to show someone your affection, and should be celebrated, why should we celebrate it only once a year? Why not spend every day like it's Valentines day, and tell the people you love that you care about them? I mean think about it, if you truly love someone in any way, whether it be in a romantic way (like a boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee, or spouse), or a family way (parents, siblings, siblings in Christ etc.), or just as a friend you would think that we'd want to show them our appreciation for them more than just once a year!

 Christ loves us all the time. Even when we do the worst things, he still loves us. I mean think about it, if Christ didn't love us all the time, where would we be when we fall? We as humans fall into sin every day, in one way or another, and if Christ only loved us one day out of the year, then how would we ever survive? That's the thing, we couldn't. There is no way in the world we could ever survive on our own without Christ. Who would tell the earth to stay on it's course and not get too close or too far away from the sun? Who would bring the sun up in the morning, and the moon at night? Who would remember to tell themselves to breathe, even when their sleeping, and to keep their heart beating? Could you do that? I don't think so!
 It's because of Christ's love for us that we are breathing right now. It's Him who puts that air into our lungs, and keeps our heart beating at a perfect pace. It's Him who keeps the earth on it's course. It's Him who brings the sun up in the morning and the moon at night.  It's Christ who died on the cross for us so that we could live an eternal life with Him in heaven, and not burn an eternal death in hell. It's Christ who loves us more than we could ever come anywhere close to imagining, and you tell me that you want to celebrate love only once a year with candy and paper?!?!?
  If we are supposed to be Christ like, then we should love everyone all the time, not just once a year. One day out of an entire 365 (or in this year 366) day year is not anywhere close to enough time to say I love you to someone, especially Christ. He doesn't, so why should we?

1 comment:

  1. Amen! There is some major truth in that. Keep it up Courtney! :D
